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Butikker med kunnskapsrike ansatte
Rollei Outdoor Tilbehørspakke til Actionkamera - Action cams from Rollei and GoPro accompany more and more sports enthusiasts who want to document or share their leisure activities. The Rollei cameras in particular are already supplied with a wide range of accessories. In order to meet the special requirements of outdoor athletes such as mountain bikers, trail runners, motocross riders and alpine climbers, Rollei now offers its own outdoor action cam accessory set.
High quality accessories in a practical zip pocket
The 23-piece outdoor accessory set includes a wide variety of carrying and fastening options for your actioncam. A stable Headband and a convenient Chest strap allow you exciting and hands-free live recordings, four 3M adhesive stickers attach the short and long fasteners to your helmet, one retractable Selfie stick not only guarantees the final panoramic photo on the summit. Tripod adapter , short and long stable Fastening screws as well as a special Bike mount expand the range of uses of the Rollei Actioncam Accessory Set Outdoor.
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